ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers


types of LLMs:

  • Base LLM
  • Instruction Tuned LLM

RLHF: Reinforcement learning with human feedback.

Principle 1

Write clear and specific instructions.

Tactic 1: Use delimiters

  • triple quotes: ` “”” `
  • triple backticks: ` ``` `
  • triple dashes: ` — `
  • angle brackets: ` <> `
  • XML tags: ` `

Tactic 2: Ask for structured output

Tactic 3: Check whether conditions are satisfied. Check assumptions required to do the task.

Tactic 4: few-shot prompting. Give successful examples of completing tasks, then ask model to perform the task.

Principle 2

Give the model time to think.

Tactic 1: Specify the steps to complete a task.

Tactic 2: Instruct the model to work out its own solution before rushing to a conclusion.