## GitLab License & Features 101 [@icbd]( --- ## Price  --- ## License Info * licensee * plan * active_user_count * starts_at * expires_at --- ## Activate license 1. SaaS 1. Self-managed --- ## Activate license for self-managed without network 1. decrypt license info 1. can't reveal secret key --- ## OpenSSL::PKey::RSA ```ruby # rsa.public_encrypt(string) => String # rsa.public_encrypt(string, padding) => String # # Encrypt _string_ with the public key. _padding_ defaults to PKCS1_PADDING. # The encrypted string output can be decrypted using #private_decrypt. def public_encrypt(*several_variants) # This is a stub, used for indexing end # rsa.private_decrypt(string) => String # rsa.private_decrypt(string, padding) => String # # Decrypt _string_, which has been encrypted with the public key, with the # private key. _padding_ defaults to PKCS1_PADDING. def private_decrypt(*several_variants) # This is a stub, used for indexing end # rsa.private_encrypt(string) => String # rsa.private_encrypt(string, padding) => String # # Encrypt _string_ with the private key. _padding_ defaults to PKCS1_PADDING. # The encrypted string output can be decrypted using #public_decrypt. def private_encrypt(*several_variants) # This is a stub, used for indexing end # rsa.public_decrypt(string) => String # rsa.public_decrypt(string, padding) => String # # Decrypt _string_, which has been encrypted with the private key, with the # public key. _padding_ defaults to PKCS1_PADDING. def public_decrypt(*several_variants) # This is a stub, used for indexing end ``` --- ## Asymmetric cryptographic algorithm  --- ## Asymmetric cryptographic algorithm  --- ## TLS Handshake (RSA)  --- ## Bob Alice Duality
- Bob: GitLab LicenseDot - Alice: A GitLab instance installed by users in their intranet --- ## Gem ```sh cd gitlab bundle install gem list --details gitlab-license ``` ```text *** LOCAL GEMS *** gitlab-license (2.1.0, 2.0.0) Authors: Douwe Maan, Stan Hu, Tyler Amos Homepage: License: MIT Installed at (2.1.0): /Users/cbd/.asdf/installs/ruby/2.7.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0 (2.0.0): /Users/cbd/.asdf/installs/ruby/2.7.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0 gitlab-license helps you generate, verify and enforce software licenses. gitlab-license_finder ( Authors: Ryan Collins, Daniil Kouznetsov, Andy Shen, Shane Lattanzio, Li Sheng Tai, Vlad vassilovski, Jacob Maine, Matthew Kane Parker, Ian Lesperance, David Edwards, Paul Meskers, Brent Wheeldon, Trevor John, David Tengdin, William Ramsey, David Dening, Geoff Pleiss, Mike Chinigo, Mike Dalessio, Jeff Jun Homepage: License: MIT Installed at: /Users/cbd/.asdf/installs/ruby/2.7.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0 Audit the OSS licenses of your application's dependencies. ``` ```sh gem open gitlab-license ``` --- ## RSA & AES ```ruby # gitlab/license/encryptor.rb attr_accessor :key def initialize(key) raise KeyError, 'No RSA encryption key provided.' if key && !key.is_a?(OpenSSL::PKey::RSA) @key = key end def encrypt(data) raise KeyError, 'Provided key is not a private key.' unless key.private? # Encrypt the data using symmetric AES encryption. cipher = cipher.encrypt aes_key = cipher.random_key aes_iv = cipher.random_iv encrypted_data = cipher.update(data) + # Encrypt the AES key using asymmetric RSA encryption. encrypted_key = key.private_encrypt(aes_key) encryption_data = { 'data' => Base64.encode64(encrypted_data), 'key' => Base64.encode64(encrypted_key), 'iv' => Base64.encode64(aes_iv) } json_data = JSON.dump(encryption_data) Base64.encode64(json_data) end ``` --- ## Code & Demo [dddcbb0ec20]( --- ## License & GitlabSubscriptions::Features - [ee/app/models/license.rb#feature_available?]( - [ee/app/models/gitlab_subscriptions/features.rb]( - [jh/app/models/jh/gitlab_subscriptions/features.rb]( - [ee/app/models/ee/project.rb#licensed_feature_available?]( - [ee/app/models/ee/namespace.rb#licensed_feature_available?]( - [ee/spec/support/helpers/ee/license_helpers.rb]( [MR: Allows JH to independently control the feature license level]( --- ## Tips ```ruby License.feature_available?(:sast) # check feature in current plan Gitlab::CurrentSettings.should_check_namespace_plan? # SaaS only project.licensed_feature_available?(:sast) namespace.licensed_feature_available?(:sast) stub_licensed_features(sast: true) # in test ``` --- ## More - [CustomersDot]( - [LicenseDot](