Linear Regression


以下是最基本的线性回归模型的实现, 每个关键步骤都是对理论的偷工减料.

  • 损失函数, 理论上需要求点到线的距离, 为了减少计算量, 只计算 y 轴上的距离;
  • 梯度下降, 理论上需要求出全局梯度下降最快的位置, 为了减少计算量, 只在小批量的范围内求近似解;

import torch

def synthetic_data(w, b, num_examples):
    y = Xw + b + noise

    X 是一个 (num_examples, 2) 的矩阵;
    w 是一个 (2,) 的向量;
    b 是一个标量的截距;
    noise 代表测量误差;

    y 返回 (num_examples, 1) 的矩阵

    X = torch.normal(0, 1, (num_examples, len(w)))
    w = w.reshape((-1, 1))  # 转为 (2, 1) 的矩阵
    y =, w) + b  # 得到 (num_examples,1) 的矩阵
    noise = torch.normal(0, 0.01, y.shape)
    y += noise
    return X, y

true_w = torch.tensor([2.0, -3.4])
true_b = 4.2
print(f"\ntrue_w: {true_w.tolist()} \t true_b: {true_b}")

features, labels = synthetic_data(true_w, true_b, 1000)

batch_size = 10
lr = 0.03
epochs = 3


from synthetic_data import *

def model(X, w, b):
    """model of linear regression"""
    return, w) + b

def loss(y_hat, y):
    y_hat 为估计值, y 为测量值
    返回结果的 shape 跟 y_hat 一致
    y = y.reshape(y_hat.shape)
    return (y_hat - y) ** 2 / 2

def SGD(params, lr, batch_size):
    小批量随机梯度下降 Mini-batch Stochastic Gradient Descent
    params: [w, b]
    with torch.no_grad():
        for param in params:
            param -= lr * param.grad / batch_size
            param.grad.zero_()  # 主动清除梯度

# 求解
w = torch.normal(0, 0.01, size=(2, 1), requires_grad=True)
b = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True)

# 训练
features_size = len(features)

def to_list(tensor):
    """trans tensor to python list"""
    return [element for row in tensor.tolist() for element in row]

for epoch in range(epochs):
    for i in range(0, features_size, batch_size):
        idx_limit = min(i + batch_size, features_size)
        X = features[i:idx_limit]
        y = labels[i:idx_limit]

        y_hat = model(X, w, b)
        l = loss(y_hat, y)  # (10, 1)
        s = l.sum()  # 标量
        s.backward()  # 求导. w.grad/b.grad 即为在该标量处的导数的值

        SGD([w, b], lr, batch_size)

    with torch.no_grad():
        full_y_hat = model(features, w, b)
        full_loss = loss(full_y_hat, labels)
        print(f"epoch: {epoch + 1}, \t loss: {float(full_loss.mean()):f}")
        print(f"w: {to_list(w)}\nb: {b.item()}")

true_w: [2.0, -3.4000000953674316] 	 true_b: 4.2
epoch: 1, 	 loss: 0.025793
w: [1.9233144521713257, -3.281912326812744]
b: 4.030336380004883
epoch: 2, 	 loss: 0.000084
w: [1.9974595308303833, -3.3958561420440674]
b: 4.192831039428711
epoch: 3, 	 loss: 0.000047
w: [2.000293731689453, -3.399667501449585]
b: 4.199540615081787


torch 工具箱实现

from synthetic_data import *
from torch.utils import data

dataset = data.TensorDataset(features, labels)
data_iter = data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size, shuffle=True)

linear_level = torch.nn.Linear(2, 1, bias=True), 0.01)

net = torch.nn.Sequential(linear_level)
loss = torch.nn.MSELoss()  # Mean Squared Error Loss
trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=lr)

for epoch in range(epochs):
    for X, y in data_iter:
        l = loss(net(X), y)
    l = loss(net(features), labels)
    print(f'epoch {epoch + 1}, loss {l:f}')
    print(f"w: {net[0][0]}")
    print(f"b: {net[0]}")

true_w: [2.0, -3.4000000953674316] 	 true_b: 4.2
epoch 1, loss 0.000178
w: [1.9979511499404907, -3.3938117027282715]
b: 4.193192005157471
epoch 2, loss 0.000097
w: [2.000338554382324, -3.3995237350463867]
b: 4.199449062347412
epoch 3, loss 0.000096
w: [1.9999287128448486, -3.3999111652374268]
b: 4.199871063232422
